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What Type of Scarring Can I Expect After an Arm Lift?

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One of the first questions many people ask when considering arm lift surgery is what kind of scars they may be left with. While there is no way around the presence of some scarring after arm lift surgery, most patients strongly agree that the stunning outcomes are worth their scars, which typically appear as vertical scars along the inside of the arm. Not only that, but our experienced team of board-certified plastic surgeons at Forma Plastic Surgery in Scottsdale, AZ utilizes the most advanced techniques and strategies to minimize visible scarring, along with post-recovery treatments, products and other tools, to help further improve the appearance of arm lift scars.

What is arm lift surgery for?

Arm lift surgery, formally known as brachioplasty surgery, is primarily performed as a post-weight loss body contouring procedure to address loose, hanging skin on the upper arms. Sometimes called "bat wings," skin hanging down from the upper arm can be removed during an arm lift to create a slimmer, smoother, more toned arm shape. In some cases, arm lift surgery may be combined with liposuction to address stubborn pockets of fat, though patients considering an arm lift should already be at or near their goal weight prior to undergoing the procedure.

Where are the incisions for an arm lift?

Arm lift incisions usually run from the elbow to the underarm and are placed along the inside of the arm so that visible scarring is minimal with the arms at a natural position at the patient's sides. The length of the incision may vary based on how much excess skin needs to be removed.

Can you see arm lift scars?

Arm lift scars are unavoidable and will be visible on the inside of the upper arm. However, with the arms at rest — meaning down by your sides — arm lift scars may be concealed for the most part. Even with some level of scarring, patients largely agree that their slender arms, better-fitting clothing, and boosted self-esteem are more than worth having arm lift scars.

What do arm lift scars look like?

Again, arm lift scars are vertical, linear scars that run from about the elbow to the underarm on the inside of the arm. Almost immediately after surgery, arm lift incisions will still be healing and will remain closed with sutures. Once the incision is closed, a scar will begin to form. The scar will start out red and then fade to pink and ultimately a skin-colored or white tone over time, though it can take many months or even up to 1 – 2 years for arm lift scars to fade. During this time, there are some helpful tips for taking care of your arm lift scars to achieve the maximum amount of fading and the most pleasing aesthetic result possible, including:

  • Avoid sun/UV ray exposure
  • Keep the skin hydrated and protected from the sun
  • Do not smoke
  • Eat a healthy diet, and drink plenty of water
  • Take supplements as directed
  • Consider scar gels, patches, products, and microneedling for scar reduction as recommended by our team

With healthy habits, proper aftercare, and scar-reducing treatments and products, you can help to ensure your arm lift scars are as inconspicuous as possible so that you can look and feel your best.

Dreaming of sleeveless shirts this summer? Get slim, sexy arms with arm lift surgery in Scottsdale, AZ

Are you dreading the thought of wearing short sleeves because of your bat wings or hanging skin? With an arm lift, you can finally get the confidence you deserve — sleeves or not. For more information on the benefits of arm lift surgery, as well as what to expect in terms of arm lift scarring, call us at Forma Plastic Surgery to schedule your consultation with one of our Scottsdale, AZ board-certified plastic surgeons today.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.