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Labiaplasty in Scottsdale, AZ

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What is Labiaplasty?

Although it's not discussed a lot, many women worry about the appearance of their labia, which can cause them to feel less confident. Our board-certified plastic surgeons want to help Scottsdale, AZ women feel more comfortable and attractive with vaginal rejuvenation surgery to normalize the size and shape of the labia. The labia, which are the external lips of the vaginal area, can look oversized or have loose skin created by genetics, pregnancy, childbirth, or a physical trauma. A labiaplasty surgically decreases the size of the labia majora and/or minora to create a more normal look. This may minimize irritation and discomfort while raising sexual pleasure and confidence. Come in for a consultation at Forma Plastic Surgery in Scottsdale, AZ to learn more about the benefits of labiaplasty and see if you are a candidate for the surgery.

Who is a Candidate for Labiaplasty?

The best candidates for labiaplasty are healthy women who have realistic expectations about the outcome of the surgery. Most women who choose to undergo a labiaplasty do so because they feel embarrassed due to the appearance of their labia and want to improve their self-esteem. Women may also opt for this procedure if they experience discomfort when wearing tight clothing or during physical activities like cycling and horseback riding due to the excess skin. Our professionals at Forma Plastic Surgery assess each patient thoroughly before moving forward with a custom treatment plan.

What Are the Benefits of Labiaplasty?

If you are bothered by the size and appearance of your labia, you don’t have to learn to deal with the self-consciousness in certain clothes and during sex. Labiaplasty surgery performed by one of our board-certified plastic surgeons at Forma Plastic Surgery in Scottsdale, AZ. Benefits of labiaplasty include:

  • Removing unwanted labial tissue
  • Reducing feelings of self-consciousness about a larger labia
  • Minimizing irritation while wearing certain types of clothing or participating in physical activities
  • Improving sexual sensation and confidence
  • Making the inner and outer labia consistent in appearance
  • The procedure is customized for your aesthetic goals
  • Multiple surgical techniques are available

What to Expect with Labiaplasty

Surgery for the labia at Forma Plastic Surgery can benefit women who feel self-conscious about the shape or size of their vaginal area, which may appear abnormal because of childbirth, genetics, or trauma. Irregular vaginal lips may cause pain, discomfort, irritation, or itching during sex and exercise. A labiaplasty can also help if you avoid wearing certain clothes (like bathing suits, leggings, or yoga pants) because of the size of your vaginal lips. While a labiaplasty should not affect your ability to get pregnant, we recommend waiting until you no longer want children to avoid undoing your results.

A labiaplasty is generally performed with a trim technique to cut away excess tissue, then the remaining skin is stitched together. Another method is the wedge method, which cuts away a triangular area of tissue and extra folds from the clitoris before stitching the skin closed.

It usually takes around a week to recover, and you may experience some discomfort and swelling. If needed, we recommend applying ice packs or cold compresses to help with swelling. Following your procedure, you should not engage in sexual activity or use tampons for at least 4 – 6 weeks. Patients generally see visible results in about six weeks with final results occurring six months after the treatment.

Labiaplasty FAQ

Should I choose a plastic surgeon or OB/GYN?
When researching surgical vaginal rejuvenation, you will find that many obstetricians and gynecologists (OB/GYNs) perform labiaplasty. While many OB/GYNs are capable of performing a labiaplasty, they may not be your best choice. An OB/GYN will be able to remove excess skin from your vaginal lips, but a skilled plastic surgeon like the members of our team will focus on the aesthetics as well. We will ensure scarring is minimal, and that the final contour, color, and symmetry all look and feel natural.

Will vaginal rejuvenation surgery cause insensitivity?
Like most surgeries, there may be short-term numbness in your vaginal area after the procedure is completed. This is usually temporary as your skin and vaginal lips heal. For those concerned about sexual sensitivity, it's important to realize that labia rejuvenation addresses the vaginal lips and not the nerves of the clitoris. An experienced surgeon like the doctors at Forma Plastic Surgery who have performed numerous labiaplasties will avoid the clitoris so that a loss of sensitivity does not occur.

What is the recovery process like after a labiaplasty?
Prior to your procedure, our team will explain what to expect following your labiaplasty as well as suggestions to speed your recovery. You should expect some bruising and swelling in the treated areas plus a certain amount of discomfort right after your surgery. You need to stay home for at least a week before resuming light activities. We will assess your recovery during your follow-up appointments and tell you when you are able to resume exercise and sexual activity.

Are there nonsurgical vaginal rejuvenation treatments?
There are nonsurgical vaginal rejuvenation treatments that may help to improve small amounts of looseness in your vaginal area. However, vaginal rejuvenation surgery is better for significant improvements to tighten and re-shape your labia. During your consultation with your surgeon, they can discuss your surgical and nonsurgical treatment options and make recommendations based on your goals.

Comfortable and Confident

Every vagina is not exactly alike, and many factors may play into the appearance of your outer labia. If you are not confident or comfortable because of the shape and size of your vaginal lips, find out more about a labiaplasty. Talk to one of our caring plastic surgeons about your needs and concerns so we can create your custom labiaplasty surgical plan. We encourage you to schedule a consultation at Forma Plastic Surgery in Scottsdale, AZ to hear more about vaginal rejuvenation with labiaplasty.

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*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.