Can a Breast Lift Help with Breast Asymmetry?
For many women, the appearance of their breasts is closely tied to their self-confidence, and feelings of femininity and desirability. When the breasts are asymmetric, it can understandably make a woman self-conscious. Not only that, but breast asymmetry can make it difficult to find clothing that fits and even be uncomfortable in some cases. At Forma Plastic Surgery, our caring team understands the personal nature of struggling with asymmetric breasts and is dedicated to helping women look and feel more confident with a complete suite of breast enhancement surgeries in Scottsdale, AZ. In many cases of breast asymmetry, a breast lift can be an appropriate solution for achieving a more even and natural look.
Why are my breasts asymmetric?
Breast asymmetry can come in many forms and be the result of a variety of factors. While most women have very subtle differences between their breasts, others may have more pronounced asymmetry. This can mean one breast sitting higher or lower than the other, a noticeable shape or size difference between the breasts, or something else. Some common reasons for breast asymmetry include:
- Genetics
- Natural deformity or abnormality
- Trauma
- Previous breast cancer surgery
- Complications of previous cosmetic breast surgery
How can asymmetric breasts be fixed?
Correcting breast asymmetry requires a highly personalized approach that takes into account the nature, cause, and severity of the patient’s breast asymmetry, as well as many other factors. To begin, one of our experienced plastic surgeons will evaluate the breasts, review the patient’s health and medical history, and discuss her specific concerns and desired outcomes. From there, a customized treatment plan will be developed. This may include breast augmentation, a fat transfer to the breast, a breast lift, or another approach.
How does a breast lift help with asymmetry?
For women whose breast asymmetry is primarily characterized by the position or elongation of the breasts, a breast lift may be an appropriate option for restoring a more desirable level of symmetry. During breast lift surgery, excess skin that causes the breast to droop or sag can be excised, and the breast tissue can be raised to match the level of the other breast. In most cases, both breasts will be addressed to ensure the closest level of symmetry possible. If needed, the nipple-areola complex can also be altered during breast lift surgery to create a more proportionate and symmetric appearance.
Do I need a breast augmentation or breast lift for asymmetry?
The most appropriate breast enhancement procedure for you will depend on your individual anatomy and the type of breast asymmetry you have. Again, a breast lift is often a suitable option for patients who have one breast that droops or hangs lower than the other, while a breast augmentation with implants and/or a fat transfer to the breast may be more suitable for a patient whose breasts are two different sizes. Other times, a combination of breast augmentation plus lift offers the most complete and desirable results. Following your consultation and evaluation, our surgeons will recommend a customized breast surgery plan that can best help you achieve your goals.
Self-conscious about your asymmetric breasts? Consider breast lift surgery in Scottsdale, AZ
Don’t let your uneven breasts keep you feeling down about your look any longer. Call Formal Plastic Surgery to schedule your private consultation for a Scottsdale, AZ breast lift or another type of breast enhancement surgery, and take the first step toward feeling more confident in your appearance today.