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Breaking Down The Common Side Effects of Rhinoplasty

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Rhinoplasty is one of the most satisfying treatments we perform at Forma Plastic Surgery. Our patients can improve their appearance and feel more confident about their noses. Countless men and women in Scottsdale, AZ have undergone rhinoplasty surgery with excellent results. That said, it’s important to understand the common side effects associated with this procedure. Rhinoplasty patients should learn what to expect and prepare, so their outcomes are as successful as possible.

Are you ready for a top-notch rhinoplasty? Meet with one of our trained team members to discuss the pros and cons of surgery. We ensure your side effects are minimal and that you are pleased with your results.

Should I get rhinoplasty surgery?

Ideal candidates for rhinoplasty are people in good health who have a strong understanding of the risks and benefits involved. Anyone interested in undergoing rhinoplasty should speak with a professional. A plastic surgeon can learn about your goals and make sure surgery is safe and effective for your needs. They also have comprehensive knowledge about rhinoplasty and can address any concerns in their office. The specialists at Forma Plastic Surgery can also offer a detailed list of guidelines and instructions about how to make healing more comfortable at home.

Pain and discomfort

Rhinoplasty surgery requires altering the underlying bone, tissue, and cartilage of the nose. This means some discomfort is expected. While this rhinoplasty side effect can be managed with over-the-counter drugs, our staff in Scottsdale, AZ can prescribe a specific medication if you are particularly sensitive to pain.


Noticeable swelling may occur around your eyes and nose after rhinoplasty surgery. Patients can rest with their heads elevated to keep inflammation to a minimum. This can be achieved with a few pillows or by sleeping in a recliner. While the majority of swelling should dissipate after a few weeks, minor swelling could be present for up to six months.


Some patients are concerned that bruising is a sign of something serious, but it’s actually a normal and expected rhinoplasty side effect. Bruising is usually contained around the eyes and nose, lasting for up to two weeks. Most rhinoplasty patients apply cool packs for 15 minutes at a time to help the bruised areas.

Numbness and tingling

Some temporary numbness is natural as your nerves and tissues need time to heal from surgery. This is common in the nose as well as the roof of the mouth. If tissue sensation does not return after the initial healing is over, call our staff to schedule a follow-up appointment.


Minor nosebleeds after rhinoplasty surgery are also expected. Forma Plastic Surgery can offer gauze to minimize bleeding and discharge. Rhinoplasty patients can change out gauze as needed, but persistent bleeding that does not stop should be reported to our team.

Learn what happens after rhinoplasty surgery

As we mentioned, the best way to reduce prolonged rhinoplasty side effects and dissatisfaction with your results is to choose a highly experienced plastic surgeon. The exceptional team at Forma Plastic Surgery is proud to place patient care and satisfaction as our top priorities. Discover your options for rhinoplasty surgery in Scottsdale, AZ, by scheduling an assessment today.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.